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It was only but a fateful morning that a young girl discovered seven mysterious jewels, said to hold the seven elements that comprise the universe. She found them, took them, and emblazoned them into a tiara like no other. However, unbeknownst to her, when the seven crystals combine together, they reveal the secrets of the universe only to the one wearing the heavenly tiara. And she herself was not worthy.

So she sought out the perfect girl, and discovered the phenomenon that was Saimoe, and after seeing many promising candidates, she, along with her fianc� and most of her friends, began what is now, the International Saimoe League.

Last year, sixty-four were chosen to take part in this prestigious and mysterious contest. Five of them were worthy to hold the seven elements of the world. And after six grueling months of competition, sixteen had topped the leader board. It was then that the tiara disappeared for forty days, after which it reappeared as the Tiara of the Heavens. And with its appearance came a revelation like no other. By night's end, the bearer was chosen to be Fate Testarossa Harlaown. And the dream for many others, especially for those who came so close, was shattered. Many believed a competition like this would never happen again.

Or so it would seem. Weeks later, Fate called a meeting with the organizers of the tournament as well as the necklace bearers, and she revealed that there was more than one tiara. In fact, there is one for every star in the sky. And every year, the seven necklaces will be duplicated so that the power of the seven elements will grow. Every year the next brightest star will send the next tiara, so as long as a tiara is forged by the young craftswoman, the next Tiara of the Heavens will come forth. As long as the competition continues to thrive, the revelation will continue to exist.

This year, the sixty-four candidates will look toward the starry sky for a star the human race has named
Sirius. This star is where the next tiara rests...

Greetings, and welcome to the International Saimoe League (ISML) 2009. We want to thank all of the voters who are returning after last year’s successful tournament, and we welcome all of the new voters who will be taking part in this contest for the first time. Our goal this year is the same: to find the one anime character whom the world identifies as the most moe.

ISML will be run officially in English, but we are proud to have a team of dedicated translators that has been able to help present this tournament in a multitude of languages. So please participate even if you do not speak English, and share our site with your friends and peers. This welcome message will provide a quick overview of ISML, but please also read the Rules and check the Schedule and Contestants pages for more detailed information about our procedures and our contestants.

Our preseason this year consisted of nominations from our voting community and of automatic entries determined from top performers from ISML 2008, 2ch’s Anime Saimoe Tournament of Japan, and AniZone’s Korea Best Moe. Nominated candidates underwent our preliminary rounds, the results of which can be found on our Statistics page.

The format of the regular season is a 64x64 round-robin tournament, resulting in 63 head-to-head matches for each of our contestants. These matches will be divided evenly into seven periods, each governed by a Necklace that will be awarded to the top performer in that period. The Necklaces are significant in tournament eligibility for 2010 and in our developing storyline.

At the end of the regular season, the 16 contestants who have the best records will advance to the postseason double-elimination tournament. The winner of this tournament will be declared champion of ISML 2009 and receive the legendary Tiara.

Voting in our tournament is free of charge and requires no registration. Please visit the Voting Arena on match days and select your preferred contestant in each of the 32 scheduled pairs. The Schedule page will have listings of each contestant’s schedule so you can plan ahead for exciting matches between rivals. Currently, all matches will begin at 1200 GMT on the designated day. Polls will be open for 24 hours until 1200 GMT the following day. Results and statistics will be processed and made available to the public twelve hours later at 0000 GMT.

We have a community that is constantly developing in the message boards located in our Forum. Please register if you have not already and participate in open discussions and reviews of ISML and its contestants. While a majority of our current users are English speakers, we promote an international presence on the forums and hope to have posts in multiple languages.

ISML is always looking for translators of additional languages. If you are passionate about helping our tournament reach an even wider international population through accurate and timely translations, please contact us at [email protected].

Good luck to all our contestants, and good luck to you, our voters, as we journey to crown the next International Saimoe League Champion.

Konjiki no Yami Sawatari Makoto Evangeline McDowell Louise Vallière Chiba Kirino Katagiri Yūhi Fujibayashi Kyō Katsura Hinagiku Hiiragi Kagami
Index Prohibitorum Kurata Sayuri Kirisame Marisa Ryōgi Shiki Furukawa Nagisa Ichinose Kotomi Kōzuki Kallen C.C. Suiseiseki Hiiragi Tsukasa Chii
Illyasviel von Einzbern Maria Minase Nayuki Nagi Hinamori Amu Suzumiya Haruhi
Takamachi Nanoha Izumi Konata Holo Asahina Mikuru
Patchouli Knowledge Kinomoto Sakura
Remilia Scarlet Ryūgū Rena
Sunohara Mei Saber Kushieda Minori Misaka Mikoto
Tōsaka Rin Shana Fate Testarossa Kasuga “Ōsaka” Ayumu Kawashima Ami Anya Alstreim
Tsukimiya Ayu Kamio Misuzu Ibuki Fūko Furude Hanyū Vita Aisaka Taiga Misaka Shiori Furude Rika Hakurei Reimu Sakagami Tomoyo Mizunashi Akari
Kawazoe Tamaki Kawasumi Mai Nagato Yuki Sanzen'in Nagi Shinku Shameimaru Aya Yagami Hayate Suigintou Alice Carroll