Biography - Psieye
Notable matches - qtipbrit
Name: |
Alice Carroll 「アリス・キャロル」
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Title Series: | ARIA | |
Voiced by: | Hirohashi Ryō |
Career ISML Performance
2008: 56th Place. Record: (9-0-0-54)
Moe Tournament Résumé
9th Place - Saimoe Japan 2006
A prodigy kouhai among the Undine students, she regularly practices with Akari and Aika despite technically being lower in 'rank.' Alice shares a room with Athena-senpai, one of the 3 great Undines on Aqua (the new name for Mars after it was terraformed). She respects her yet at the same time can't help but internally sigh at Athena-senpai's dojikko tendencies. Loves to use the adjective "dekkai" which translates to big/large. Normally a somewhat aloof and distant girl, she warms up a little to Akari and Aika. Despite keeping up a serious demeanour most of the time, she is a young girl - thus sometimes plays youthful games (e.g. "walk only on shadows to get home") and gets excited about potential romance stories like any other ordinary teenage girl. Maa, the cat that would eventually become the president of Alice's company (it's a good luck charm among Undine organisations - put a blue eyed cat as president), was at first a stray cat that Alice secretly adopted.
In short, Alice is a girl with a hardened exterior from the pressures of being a prodigy, but has a normal warm core.
Past Notable Matches
Saimoe 2006: (9th Place) Round 3: 858-807 over Rebecca Miyamoto (Pani Poni Dash!) Group Finals: 997-1268 to Suiseiseki (Rozen Maiden) |
Korean Best 2008: Round of 32: 3018-3500 to Hatsune Miku (Zoku Sayonara Zetsubō Sensei) |
Regular Season Schedule
Aquamarine |
Topaz |
Amethyst |
Sapphire |
Emerald |
Ruby |
Diamond |